Rhyming Verse

2B? Or Not 2B?
Shakespeare peers at his pencil, then he pens his aweful pun :
“2B ? or Not 2B ?” quoth he. (See? Shakespeare can be FUN !)
Our verse is educational, with giggly bits, and quirks ~
The style is conversational, not sing-song – and no jerks !
Floral Emblems of Australia
Below is an example of our mnemonic educational verse.
[ The Wildflowers of the Wide Brown Land grow glorious and free;
The people of each State each chose their favourite-to-see;
So rich -So rare ! But – which goes where? Our picture illustrates :
Rehearse our verse, you’ll always know which flowers with which States.]
Educational Rhyming Verse
I write a lot of rhyming verse – it comes out line-by-line;
English is my mother tongue, and a faithful friend of mine.
She favours me with words for free : I’ve cracked the Rhyming Barrier;
If you dread verse like ’flu or worse, beware – for I’m a carrier!
Klokan the Blue Kangaroo
In Prague there’s a beautiful Zoo,
Where animals live two-by-two:
There are Elephants, Camels,
And many more mammals
But they lacked even one Kangaroo.
Beautiful-illustrated, Educational Fun Verse
Brucie the Bilby is a feisty, eloquent Champion of Native Mammal Rights.
To put their case to YOU-Mans ,
he translates verse from their native tongues into English.
They don’t mince their words, neither.
Ferals Beware !
Net-Surfin’ Natives are on the Warpath !
This is a very special little book.